Friday, December 12, 2008

Family Day (aunt & uncle's remarriage ceremony)

Today is my relatives' remarriage's big day
they were buddhists, but now they have been "christianized"
so..they decided to held their wedding ceremony again

have to fetch my leng lui ama to set her hair~
piggy kakak
2 peace's' from my cous
here comes the bride n the broom n their "ba ba lang" (5kids @@)
hey, high school mates, u all still Teacher Michael?
he really do know how to sing!!!
there got 7 pairs of newlyweds~ nonono, suppose is to be "old"ly weds~
all the children sang 2 songs for their parents

they're saying vows to their partners~ just imagine "lao" fu "lao" qi d, stilll say those mo gui chang words..hahaha
although its quite funny, its touched too..
some wives even dropped their tears

oh yea..after the ceremony, all their relatives went down stairs to have tea time.
n guess what~ i saw Siu Li!!!!
her aunt is one of the "old"ly weds
we chat for a while n its nice to meet her gain ^^
me n my family went gurney after the wedding
my mom n I share 2 pairs of new shoes

the CRAZiest KAKAK i ever met
stim face
we took a break v photos...
photographer: IVAN TAN (my bro)
me n my lovely mom
my bro n me ( big size @@ )

spotted a hole from my dad's CALVIN KLEIN's shirt
he was depressed v the hole

hey guys~ guess what's he doing????
my gosh!!

met TomYam cous in gurney, he worked for the day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow caca..looking great :)